Roshanak Zakizadeh (rzakizadeh at

Currently, I am a Research Scientist at Cortexica Vision Systems in London working on the applications of Artifial Intelligence in the Retail Industry. I am also an Honorary Research Fellow at the School of Computing, University East Anglia in Norwich.

Before this, I worked for a year as a Research Engineer at V-NOVA Ltd. on High Dynamic Range Video Compression. I did my PhD in Computer Science at University of East Anglia under the supervision of Prof. Graham Finlayson, specialising in Camera White Balance. During my PhD, I visited National University of Singapore where I worked with Prof. Michael Brown. I also worked as a part-time Research Engineer at Spectral Edge Ltd. in 2016. I hold a CIMET masters degree from Jean Monnet University (Saint-Etienne, France) and University of Eastern Finland (Joensuu, Finland) and I did my masters thesis (Color gamut scalable video coding for SHVC) with the Imaging Science Lab at Technicolor in Rennes, supervised by Dr. Philippe Bordes and Pierre Andrivon.

I am interested in Computer Vision, Image/Video Processing and Artifial Inteligence. The areas of research I am currently working on are: